For Those Who Wish To Read The Other Side Of MY Thoughts
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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Aspire ... Happy valentine letter

I used to wish,

That someday, I would have a most selected friend,

Someone, I would look up to, turn to for answers,

A friend,

That I could share my laughs,

My sadness,

My gladness,

Share the same boundless regions of the infinite that I have chosen,

Because they genuinely wanted to share that endless space with me


I used to wish that someday,

I would find that Someone I could converse with any time I had something to say.

That Someone, whom I could share my most profound, private thoughts.

Thoughts that made up most of the intimate dreams I had about that Someone who would share my life with someday.


I used to wish,

That someday, I would meet that Someone who would be special to me,

That Someone, who I could hold anytime I wanted to when I needed to,

That Someone, who I could kiss hello to in the morning and kiss goodnight before I would go to sleep.

That Someone I just had to touch in the middle of the night,

And they were so entuned to me; their body would spoon into mine without even waking up.


I used to wish,

That someday, I would find how true love felt.

A love so strong, it would last longer than ever after.

A love my heart wore like a blanket,

That kept it warm on the coldest night,

Yet cool, on the hottest day.

A love I never wondered if it were true love because I could forever feel its radiant heat race through my veins on each soft rhythmic beat of my heart.



I wish,

I had not wasted all that time wishing,


Praying for-

That Someone.

Because without realizing it,

I already knew that Someone, who was already carrying true love inside of them, that was meant just for me.

And that Someone,

were you and only you.

With all my love


1Manview © 2020


  1. Love, love love! It’s true we can wish our lives away. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes!

    1. Indeed. From age ten to Nineteen, she was a friend little sister that I just said Hello to.

      Peace and love

  2. Una preciosa declaración de amor, un brazo para ambos , feliz domingo amoroso.

    1. Muchas gracias, Campirela_. Ten una maravillosa semana.

      Paz y amor

  3. IMV - I loved that my friend. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Hello Ronnie. seeing you always leave me with a smile. I'm a little under the weather, but we are safe. Thank you for leaving a nice comment.

      Peace, love and happiness
