Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tender Touch Tuesday .... Picture and poem... ......Thoughts Of You.......

Moisten droplets, ease past swollen lips,

Wet panties lowered,

Knees rise toward bosom,

Heated fingertips slide in slippery feminine sweat…

Desire consumes loins,

As thoughts of you rekindle the passion we shared last night,

Intertwined as one...

Picture from http://somedirtysecrets.tumblr.com/


  1. sweet words, excellent. Thanks for sharing

  2. Simply perfect. I loved it.

  3. So sexy and sultry and beautiful...

  4. Evangeline, thankyou for coming and leaving a comment...

  5. R, Thankyou for the sexy picture and kind words...

  6. cheeky Minx, (Smiling) Thankyou much, you inspire my thoughts with your writes. I hope to master the short poems like yourself one day...

  7. Conheço muito tudo isso..rsr. Delicia de post. Até me inspirou..rs. bjs

  8. Erótica.plus, Obrigado pelos comentários ...


  9. Decirte que también yo os echo ya de menos...
    Gracias mil y un fuerte abrazo!!

  10. sounds like I spent my yesterday :)

  11. 1Manview, This is a really nice poem. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to feature this poem on my blog. It's a once a month feature called Poetic License.

    I am looking for sexy and erotic poems for the February post. This fits right in. You will get full credit and a link back to your site. If you need to see the segment first, November's was posted on the 16th.

    In addition to a February post every four months I will also combine the previous months into one big post. Please let me know as I only feature 7 poems. Thank you.

  12. @ Tom Baker- Yes (smiling), that would be more then fine with me. I tried to find youe site, but your icon would not take me there. Could you leave me a link to your site please. Thankyou ... 1manview ...

  13. @ Chapter Two, such a bad girl.. lol.. Thankyou for the visit and leaving a comment...

  14. Sorry, I spelled morning wrong. The link should work fine now and thank you for allowing me to use Thoughts of You.

    November's Poetic License is: http://morningerection.wordpress.com/2010/11/20/poetic-license-3/.

  15. Tom Baker, thanyou, I'm looking forward to it, and also enjoying your site...
