Saturday, November 12, 2011

Poker .... Prose Poem

His head slowly peeps out its security blanket,

And stretches outward

The smooth round surface of his bald head slides through her well manicure bush,

Something he hasn't run into for a very long time

But the sensations of its slippery thickness jogs his memory,

As he forges forward through it

The familiarity feel of being choked,

Surrounds his large bulbous head

As he penetrates deep into her slippery tight orifice,

Memories of unadulterated bliss flash before his eye

What took him so long to return?

Slips past his mind...

Photo was taken from

Safe Creative #1111260038302


  1. hummm, hot and sensuous...

    Kisses, my friend!
    Kisses in you heart!!

  2. My friend, you can use the picture!
    I am happy to see it in your blog!

    Kisses in your heart!

  3. Nancy C.
    It's always a pleasure to see your visits and comments,
    Thank you for the picture, I shall post it on Tuesday

    A big hug for my friend...

  4. Not to be fussy, but the picture you used doesn't show a "well manicured bush";)!

    I did like the poem, though:)!


  5. Kitty, I tried very hard to find a bush for a fussy kitten like you. (and myself) I had hoped this picture was sexy enough that no one would notice. I'm not mad at yea, it shows you were reading exactly what I wrote, and that's good. The next time, I will leave myself enough time to find the correct picture. I am fussy about the pictures I choose, but I hadn't realize, not only that most pictures are black and white on the net, but also with naked privates now... lol ... My search has not ended, I myself enjoy a natural woman... Be fussy with me anytime! .. lol ...

  6. Encantador blog el tuyo, un placer haberme pasado por tu espacio.

    Saludos y feliz domingo.

  7. It is amazing that so many women are hairless, at least down there;).

    I was so excited by your poem because I do have a "bush" and the perception is that men don't find that attractive and it made me feel good that your poem presented having pubic hair to be a positive.

    Not that I have to have affirmation, because I really only care what Daddy thinks...he loves me the way I am. But, it was still neat that your poem talked about it like it was a good thing. And, after writing this, I really think I've overanalyzed this topic to death, lol! Sorry, it's really not that big of a deal.


  8. Kitty, I appreciate your comments. I was thrilled to hear I was not the only person still into the natural look of things. I was defeated last night in my attempt to find a couple picture with her still having hair. But that was only round one. Tthe pics I found made me appreciate the manicured look. Like everything on the net, you have the hairless to the extreme of things, I found the extreme (WOW).. But I'm determine to find that pic and do another poem... Ok, I'm going into the silent faze now, but I shall return! ... lol ...

  9. Now you've made me curious as to what you find to be too much. I think you've just dissed all the women that don't have a little tiny manicured area of hair;)!

    Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I find it hard to believe that a man would be ready to sleep with a woman and then when the woman undresses say,

    "Sorry, but you've got too much of a bush!"

    But, maybe I've been married too long and don't realize how shallow some men are.

    You shouldn't have told me that you appreciate my comments, lol! I hope I haven't offended with this last one:).


  10. Kitty, you are something else... You need a good spanking!. AGAIN!... lmbo..... No, I'm not talking about those tiny little squares you see on portraits. Extreme is when you can't determine where the hair starts from the rest of her body hair. When it's longer then a hillbilly beard, no offense to the Hillbillies, just an example.. That's extreme to me. It doesn't have to be well manicured. Just trim edges like a man mustang. When I get a hair cut, my spouse can't keep her hands out of my hair. Not that she hates long hair, it's just the opposite. She likes my hair on the longer side, she just like it better when it's trimmed. That's all was was saying. Just like extreme spanking sights. Blood and deep cuts all over her nice round bottom. For me, that's what extreme is. After 45 hard strikes, I don't think I remember you saying your butt was cut open and bleeding....

  11. I did put ";)" at the end of my first paragraph. I had hoped you would know I was teasing you.

    It's so hard to get voice inflection and humor to come through from writing. I really was just having fun and yes, I'm a very mischievous Kitty.

    I knew what you meant the first time, but I thought I'd play the devil's advocate, lol!

    The danger of being anonymous and all that makes me more bold than I'd be in real life. I really was just having fun. I joke a lot in real life and I'm used to Daddy understanding my quirky sense of humor.


    P.S. At times like these I'm so thankful that you don't know my real name or address for the sake of my bottom, lol!

  12. Kitty, I know you were pushing my buttons, it's been awhile since I had someone to get after me. I'm the one who usually throw the first joke. Just like I got after your "to be continue" Sweets is about the only person I throw jokes at. She knows I'm harmless... I will see you for part two of your birthday...

  13. I thought I WAS following your blog. Anyway I added you to my daily reads.

    Your poetry is very sensual. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Take care. Sky.

  14. Shy, I know you have been reading the other side of me. But I'm happy to see you here too...

  15. Something tells me that he will return again very soon, this time. ;-) I love this poem. Perfect for this photo! Love the title, too.

  16. @Sweets, Hmmm, I hope so... lol.. Thank you for reading this and catching the title too...

  17. Boa foto, lindo texto, penetrar o ventre na mulher nasce jazz, o homem aumenta o vulcão, a erupção acontece sem antecedências nem antecipações simplesmente acontece caminhamos na corda samba, falsa e caímos no profundo prazer.

  18. Lovely, you said a mouth full... hehe...
    Thnak you for the womderful comment...
