Monday, January 16, 2012

Moanday Haikus .......... American Haikus

A American poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five
Continues Haiku is when the last line of a Haiku is used to start another one in continuos ...
These Haiku's were started from my vision of this picture...
Please feel free to join me in the comment section or start one on your blog...
Remember, the syllable count is 5-7-5, have some fun....

Continuous Haiku's:

The color of red

Shades, the bottom of my butt
I've been a bad girl

I've been a bad girl

Bend over for me kitty
Head down, azz iz up

Head down, azz iz up
Rosy red cheeks remind me
How much I love her

American Haiku's:

I need a spanking
To feel the pain of release
I know, he loves me

His hand touches me
Leaving a warm pink trail
Moisten affection

I have gotten rusty with these..
And yes, I misspelled is (iz) on purpose..
(because I can hehe)
Happy Moanday ....



  1. Love your Haiku :)

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.

    Fondly. Skyv

  2. ░░(¯`♥´¯)░░░░╚╣╠╝
    ░░░░░(¯`♥´¯)░ Feliz semana...

  3. I especially like the line,

    "bend over for me kitty", lol!


    P.S. You did a great job. I think a haiku is difficult to write.

  4. This is really terrific!

  5. E' sempre così piacevole tornare qui...è...così sensuale...

    scusami per la mia lontananza...avevo bisogno di staccarmi un pò dal blog...

    dolce sera...

  6. Your haiku has made me smile very wickedly, 1manview...

  7. Sky, you are welcome, thank you for your comment...

  8. angeloblu, Abbiamo tutti bisogno di una pausa di tanto in tanto ..
    Grazie per aver visitato ....

  9. Cheeky Minx, The smile is mutual. :)

  10. Kitty, so you caught that line? (big grin)
