Friday, February 10, 2012

Touched .....Repetitive Poem ...........

Arms embrace the softness of her body flesh,

She pushed me away...

A tender kiss was bestowed on the softness of her check,

She pushed me away

I whispered softly in her ear, "I love you,"

She pushed me away

When my voice expressed calmness to her,

She huffed at me, then walked away

My eyes glanced at the calendar date, and I realized,

This is the time of the month, the other woman comes to stay...

Don't hate me ladies, the devil made me do it...


  1. The days will pass quickly and then she won't push you away anymore!

    Thank you for sharing. And thank you for the lovely caring comment you wrote on my blog post. I know you are right. It will take time.

    Fondly, Sky

  2. Thank you for stopping in sky, ANd I'm glad my comment gave you some mental support...
    Peace be with you
    1ManView ...

  3. LOL! 1manview. Clever. I like your animations, too.

  4. eu estou simplesmente encantada com teus blogs.
    elogiastes as fotos do meu. aqui tem tudo. foto, texto, inteligência no post. as poesias do Intrigue... , a entrega deste amor.
    é gostoso de ler. parabéns pra você. virei fã.
    não estou só seguindo, estou lendo.
    luz por aí,

  5. hahaha


    loved it. :)

  6. Core, Um humilde obrigado, por um comentário tão grande ...

    Um abraço
