Tuesday, December 29, 2015

One word meme

I saw this One-word meme on Ronnie Blog ..  http://ronniesoul.blogspot.com/, 
So why not...

1. Yourself: Easygoing

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouse): loveable

3. Your hair: Blackish 

4. Your mother: Heaven

5. Your father: Sound

6. Your favorite item: Computer

7. Your dream last night: Mysterious

8. Your favorite drink: lemon-water

9. Your dream car: New

10. The room you are in ... Den

11. Your ex: Who?

12. Your fear: life

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Healthy

14. Who you hung out with last night?  LC (Spouse)

15. What you're not?  Petulant

16. Muffins: Blueberry

17. One of your wish list items: Trip

18. Time: Silent

19. The last thing you did: Breakfast 

20. What you are wearing: PJ's

21. Your favorite weather: Hot

22. Your favorite book:  Erotic

23. The last thing you ate: Sausage

24. Your life: Revolving

25. Your mood: Distanced

26. Your best friend:  LC ( spouse)

27. What are you thinking about right now? Snow!

28. Your car: Old

29. What are you doing at the moment? Thinking

30. Your summer: Gone

31. Your relationship status: United

32. What is on your TV? off

33. What is the weather like? Snowing!

34. When is the last time you laughed? Today

35. Your favorite color? Rainbow


  1. I loved your answers 1MView. I can imagine you'd be easygoing.


    1. Well, most of the time.... lol ...

      peace and love
